
Kyoto Makotoya is a shop that proposes new Charms of leather by a company that has been involved in the sale of natural leather materials and the manufacture of OEM planned products for many years.

革模型キット3種のパッケージ写真。Photograph of the packaging of three leather modelling kits.

プレスリリース -Press release-


TAKUMI NEXT 2024カタログ -TAKUMI NEXT 2024 Catalogue-


Selected for JETRO’s TAKUMI NEXT 2024.

2024年8月23日、ジェトロ(日本貿易振興機構)の海外販売支援プロジェクト「TAKUMI NEXT 2024」にて、次世代のものづくりを担う「匠」企業として、京都諒屋・革模型キットが選出されました。

今後も国内外で多くの方に革模型キットを手に取って頂けるよう、精進してまいります。                                 ー京都諒屋スタッフ一同ー

On 23 August 2024, Kyoto Makotoya and Leather Model Kit were selected by JETRO (Japan External Trade Organisation) as a ‘Takumi’ company for the next generation of manufacturing under the overseas sales support project ‘TAKUMI NEXT 2024’.

We will continue to make every effort to make our leather model kits available to as many people as possible, both in Japan and abroad.      

-Kyoto Makotoya-

Image of leather model kit 'Owl and Horned Owl'.
Image of leather model kit 'Gold Fish'.
Image of leather model kit 'A Little Bird'.